JoAnne Fischer

“Birthing is a powerful experience whether it results in a baby or an organization. I am grateful to have been a midwife to MCC, to work with passionate and talented people and to advocate for women and children every day.”
As Executive Director of Maternity Care Coalition (MCC) (1989-1918) JoAnne oversaw the agency’s growth from a neighborhood project to a statewide organization, from a staff of three to over 150, a budget of $116,000 to over $12 million and with groundbreaking initiatives to address maternal mortality and incarcerated pregnant women. She has served in the leadership of the American Public Health Association (APHA), National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, Girl Scouts of the USA and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). Among her many awards, she is proud to have been recognized by President Obama as a White House Champion of Change. She attended all three UN Conferences on Women in Mexico in 1975, Nairobi, Kenya in 1985, and Beijing, China in 1995.